Nestled between high mountains of the middle-age town of Kotor and the picturesque Montenegrin coastline, Stari Mlini lies directly on the waterfront at the exit of the wild river Ljuta. The only 180 meters long river is spring water from the mountains behind and has only 7 ° C. In the hot summer a refreshing element. Stari Mlini was originally a mill in the 18th century. About 300 years later, the Djurica family received this historic mill in the form of an exclusive restaurant. For over 40 years, the restaurant has been offering traditional dishes from local catch and produce to pamper gourmets from all over the world with the culinary know-how passed down through generations. The menu at Stari Mlini offers an exclusive yet informal gastronomic experience at a high level. In the leaf-covered gardens cooling streams and ponds with fish are created, in between cozy corners with tables for the guests. In the evening, the sun bade farewell to the massive mountain giants. An unforgettable spectacle.
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