On the coast of the Pagasetic Gulf in the region of Thessaly is the city of Volos, which houses one of the most important trading ports in Greece. Yachts rarely visit this dominating industrial production region. There should be no problem when entering the bay and the city is clearly visible from a distance. A large silo on one of the quays in the commercial port also serves as a navigation a...
id. For some time, it is planned to restructure the fishing harbor in the northwest of the commercial port to a marina, but the implementation of these plans is making no progress. In the eastern part of the port a small marina was built, but the slots are already assigned to all local yachts. Thus, currently available berths are only at the town pier, but these are also often occupied by local boats. Even some charter yachts can be found here. Occasionally there are places along the hydrofoil near the harbor master's office but guest yachts usually dock on floating pontoon in front of the breakwater. During the summer, especially on weekends, many young people hang around here and there have been reports of thefts and damage to yachts. On the pier is electricity and water supply and on the breakwater is water available. Fuel can either be brought directly on the quay or can also be supplied by a tanker.
Shopping Volos provides the best shopping options. In the western part of the harbor is a large supermarket and along the two parallel roads in the north shore are the main shopping streets of the city. A little further north is a market place opened in the morning and the fishing harbor on the west, where you can buy fresh fish and seafood. However, locals are not going to the fish market because of the lack of freshness, but would rather buy fish directly from the fishermen in the fishing port, as should you.
Food and Leisure The quay is lined with several restaurants and taverns, whose quality may vary. But even in the city center, several restaurants, taverns and cafe bars have established their offer of Greek cuisine as well as international dishes.
Severe earthquakes in 1954 and 1955 largely destroyed the historic city center. Unfortunately, more emphasis was placed on a modern cityscape in the reconstruction and hence are in Volos now hardly historic buildings to be seen.
This marina area in Volos is actually the fishing marina where all the local fishing boats moor up and on most mornings sell their fresh fish off the back of their boats. Yacht mooring is best achieved along the main seafront on the right hand side of the main ferry pier and along the main harbour wall.
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