Born in 1987 with the 'intent to create a landing place to allow those who love the sea to be able to navigate without giving up the comforts and pleasures of life, Poltu Quatu Marina dell'Orso is set in an evocative context given by the particular conformation of the place.
The small town of Poltu Quatu, with its picturesque narrow streets and fresh seafood restaurants, is a great place to stroll and savor the local cuisine. In addition, the nearby town of Porto Cervo offers opportunities for luxury shopping and exploring its exclusive boutiques.
For nature lovers, La Maddalena Nature Park offers a wide variety of hiking trails that traverse breathtaking landscapes and offer spectacular panoramic views.
It is a fjord shown on nautical charts as Stintino dell'Orso. It is located between the bay of Liscia di Vacca and Baja Sardinia, opposite the island of Caprera and the islet of the Capuchins.
For the approach you can consider the Capo Ferro Lighthouse, which is 2 miles NE of the Marina entrance.
The town of Poltu Quatu, with its picturesque narrow streets and fresh seafood restaurants, is a great place to stroll around and enjoy the local cuisine. In addition, the nearby town of Porto Cervo offers opportunities for luxury shopping and exploring its exclusive boutiques.
For nature lovers, La Maddalena Nature Park offers a wide variety of hiking trails that traverse breathtaking landscapes and offer spectacular panoramic views.
Cosa mi è piaciuto:
Breite Hafeneinfahrt.....
Cosa non mi è piaciuto:
Ein Besuch des Seehasenfest ist so gut wie unmöglich mit dem Boot.
Zwei Wachhunde am Kai-Ufer lauern auf Beute, um diese dann abzuzocken.
17 Euro für einen Besuch ab 16.00 Uhr. Man kriegt hier sofort das Gefühl: "Das ist unser Hafen, Du kommst hier nicht rein."
Meine Empfehlung wäre, die zwei alten Fregatten sofort austauschen.
Mich sehen Sie auf jedenfall nicht wieder.....einfach unterirdisch.
Cosa mi è piaciuto:
Geschafft.... mit wenig Wind und unter E-Motor noch vor Dunkelheit eingelaufen
Cosa non mi è piaciuto:
Ende der Saison ... Hafen fast leer... aber alle Liegeplätze auf belegt ... sehr unklare und laute Anweisungen des Hafenmeisters über zwei Stege...
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