- there is a 50m long shallows reef in front of Rat Point, and in the passage to Goljak island (closer to the island) the depth is 9.5m
- SE of the harbour towards Gospin Školj island, there are shell fish nurseries, so you should sail with great care
- there are reefs and shallows all around Gospin Školj and those onthe W side of the island extend rught up the shore, which makes it impossible to sail there (shellfish nurseries S of the shallows
- ESE of Gospin Školj are Bililo shallows (4.5m), marked cardinal E
- Goljak and Srednjak islands, NE in front of the harbour, and Gospin Školj island, SE of the harbour - small bell tower by a church, among tall cypresses, just SW of the harbour - village houses
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