- maximum sailing speed is 4 knots
- anchoring only permitted NE of Čajkovići
- shallow everywhere in front of the N shore, E of Obuljeno village
- lighthouse on Daksa island (W of the entrance to Rijeka Dubrovačka) - lighthouses on Kantafig Point (S entrance point) and Lozica point (N point) - red light in the middle of the bridge - silos and harbour equipment not far from the entrance on he S shore - several villages on both banks, the largest of which is Nova Mokošica, with tall buildings on the N shore - two red coastal lights on the N shore (Žalo Point,beneath the village of okošica Staraand Punta Borova), and green light on the S shore of Mali Mihan Point (between the vilages of Sustjepan and Čajkovići)
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